Your Next Jewish Read: Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English

Title: Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English (Original British title: Mr. Rosenblum’s List: Or Friend­ly Guid­ance for the Aspir­ing Eng­lish­man)

Author: Natasha Solomons

Year of Publication: 2010

Publisher: Hachette

Why I Borrowed It/Bought It: I borrowed this book from my local public library system after finding it in their book catalog. I am perpetually searching the catalog keyword Jew* to find my next book! (The asterisk brings back anything after the “w”: Jew, Jewish, etc.)

I mentioned this on my Instagram post, but if I had submitted an order for a custom book that included everything I am obsessed with, this gem would have been it. Post-War England, Jewish representation, humor, heartache, heartbreak, village life, nature writing, baking, relationships between older people and…golf. I could not have asked for a better book. In addition, this book was written by a second generation author, drawing on her own grandparents’ experiences as they re-settled in England.
Have you read Mr. Rosenblum? And as one of my Insta followers mulled, is there other fiction that features Jewish representation in post-War England?

“He reached for her hand, ‘Yes, darling, a miracle.'”

Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English
Keep on Reading on! xo, Amy

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