Title: Unorthodox Love
Author: Heidi Shertok
Year of Publication: Book comes out July of 2023
Publisher: Penguin/Random House
Why I Bought / Borrowed It: I found the ebook Unorthodox Love on Netgalley and requested a copy. My decision to feature this book on Your Next Jewish Read is my own.
Two Sentence Summary: Penina has a lot of balls in the air: her sister is having some, let’s say, cash fluidity problems, her dating life (at the ripe old age of…older than 19) leaves much to be desired, and her new boss at the jewelry store is rougher around the edges than an unpolished diamond. This contemporary romance about an Orthodox Jewish woman addresses so many issues, include infertility and loving your children for who they are, in a sweet and humorous way that made me laugh out loud many times (Prude and Sordid, IYKYK).
You May Know Heidi Shertok: from her website and especially her Instagram.
What would it be like to have that kind of all-encompassing love and support? To know that someone has your back, no matter what?
Unorthodox Love