Your Next Jewish Read: Mr. Perfect on Paper

Cover displaying the title Mr. Perfect on Paper and a blonde man and a dark-haired woman

Title: Mr. Perfect on Paper
Author: Jean Meltzer
Year of Publication: 2022
Publisher: MIRA, Harlequin, HarperCollins
Why I Bought/Borrowed It: I borrowed this book from my public library as soon as it came off the “on order” list. I had read Jean Meltzer’s previous book The Matzah Ball and definitely need a next read!
Two Sentence Summary: Billed as “This Matchmaker has met her match”, Mr. Perfect on Paper follows modern matchmaker Dana Rabinowitz as her J-Mate dating app crunches the algorithms for everyone but her. As the seasons, and Jewish holidays pass, local television personality and widowed single dad Chris Steadfast, works his matchmaking skills to help Dara and his flailing news show.
You May Know Jean Meltzer from: Her website.
Next up! Kissing Kosher, her next book coming on August 29, 2023.

Keep on Reading on! xo, Amy

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